Friday 5 March 2021

My home learning

 Because of my broken leg, I have been doing some learning at home.

Some of the things I've been doing are

  • handwriting,
  • Early Words
  • reading
  • maths
  • charlottes web
  • times tables
  • class art work
  • m&m pictograph 
Julie has set me handwriting every day. 
I think I have gotten faster at writing and I'm still working on my neatness.

I've been working on my Early Words programme. I do some with Julie and then some with Mum later in the day. 

I have read some books with my Mum and Julie. And Mia has been reading to me also. My class is reading Charlottes Web, so I have this at home also to keep up with  the story. 
I had to do an acrostic poem about a character from Charlottes Web. I chose Templeton the rat. I'm so proud of my poster!!

I loved having Trelise over a couple of times to work with. We got to play games and do activities together.

I did an m&m pictograph. I had to count each colour in 3 packets and make graphs for them. Then we used all that data to make an overall graph and found out that blue was the most popular colour. 






  1. Hi Ty,

    I have to start of this comment by saying I have never meet such a resilient learn like you. Even through this year has started off in such a crazy way for you, you have continued to work hard with your learning, have a smile on your face and enjoy your time with Julie each day.

    I love how hard you have been working during this time and Julie often comes back and says that you are make great improvements.

    I can't wait to catch up with you again face to face.


    Mrs B.

  2. so cool ty its tyler here and im glad that you are still doing werk


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